Łódź PPSY International Seminar on Transitional Justice [NASZ PATRONAT]

The Łódź PPSY International Seminar „Transitional Justice: Between Redemption and Retribution”. June 6, 2017, Łódź (Poland)


The „Polish Political Science Yearbook” together with the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Łódź and Interdisciplinary Research Centre of University of Łódź “The Balkans at the Turn of the 20th and the 21st Century” invite all scholars to participate in the PPSY International Seminar “Transitional Justice: Between Redemption and Retribution” (June 6, 2017, Łódź, Poland).

The conference supports the special section of the volume 46 (2) (2017) and its objective is to discuss legal and political aspects of transitional justice, shaped during the transitions in the Central and Eastern Europe after 1989, however related as well to the dilemmas of all post-authoritarian and post-conflict societies trying to come to terms with past abuses and historical injustices. The recent finalization of a peace process in Columbia or events witnessed in Ukraine, where the national desire to reckon with past evils of Viktor Yanukovych’s regime (and Soviet legacy) was brutally confronted with the aggression of the Russian Federation, show that transitional justice is a still living concept. At the same time, the central figure of international criminal justice – the International Criminal Court based in the Hague – serving as a significant tool for post-violence environments has to face the recent decisions of several African states, willing to withdraw from the Rome Statute system.

What is the future of transitional justice? Does really international criminal justice paradigm can reconcile with truth-telling or truth-seeking processes? Are vetting and lustration procedures adequate for countries in the post-Soviet space, such as post-Maidan Ukraine, or should they implement also different transitional justice tool-kit? We are going to address this and many more inter-related questions during the seminar!

The organizers invite authors, coming from a variety of disciplines, including – but not limited to – law, socio-legal studies, political science, international relations and history with papers, posters and presentations related, inter alia, to following issues:

1. Legal approaches to transitional justice
– Rethinking transitional justice – what does the concept mean in 2010s?
– The role of international law in shaping the concept of transitional justice
– International vs local responses to justice
– Transitional justice between retributive responses and reconciliation efforts
– International Criminal Court between law and politics in transitional justice angle.

2. Socio-political dimensions of transitional justice
– Narratives of memory (and identity) in transitional justice efforts
– Politics of memory
– Collective memory and its application by truth-telling and truth-seeking processes
– Conflicts of memory and a cultivation of past evils in a post-war or post-authoritarian environments

3. Current regional approaches of implementing transitional justice
– A peace vs justice dilemma today – does Columbia peace process fill within this debate?
– Transitional justice in a post-Soviet space – the Ukrainian Revolution of Dignity and its implications on Kyiv’s transitional justice strategy
– Transitional justice in the Middle East – how to craft the post-war strategy for Syria and other countries of the region?

All submitted papers will be fast-track reviewed for PPSY 46 (2) of 2017 (the peer-reviewed and indexed international journal, Polish List B – 13 points). The PPSY Special Section on the Transitional Justice will be published in the journal in November–December 2017.

How to Apply:
please submit the Online Application Form (https://goo.gl/XW3Jol) before May 12, 2017. Decisions will be announced on May 15, 2017.

Forms of Participation:
the organisers accept presentation of papers and posters.

Participation Fee:
250 PLN or 60 EUR, paid before May 28, 2017.
The fee includes the accommodation from June 6 to June 7 in double rooms. It does not include costs of travel.

The Organisers:
The Editorial Board of the Polish Political Science Yearbook & Faculty of Law and Administration, University of Łódź, Poland & Research Centre of University of Łódź “The Balkans at the Turn of the 20th and the 21st Century” & Professor Czesław Mojsiewicz International Cooperation Fund & Adam Marszałek Publishing House.

The Organising Committee:
Professor Joanna Marszałek-Kawa, Dr Tomasz Lachowski, Dr Magdalena Rekść, Dr Patryk Wawrzyński

More details:

Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/199618137202357/

http://www.marszalek.com.pl/yearbook/seminars/transitionaljustice.html (to be available soon)

On-line Application Form: https://goo.gl/XW3Jol.


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